The Membership Committee is comprised of volunteers from Chapters across Virginia who are appointed by the Department Commander for a one year term.
The Committee is responsible for the oversight of recruiting and retention of members throughout the Department, with a goal for all Chapters and the Department to meet its Life Membership recruiting goal each Recruiting Year (1 July - 30 June). The Committee works closely with Chapter membership committees to develop recruiting plans and goals, and to inform potential members of the benefits of DAV membership.
Interested in joining a Chapter in Virginia?
Not sure if you are eligible to become a member?
If you:
served in the armed forces during a period of war or under conditions simulating war, and
were wounded, disabled to any degree, or left with long-term illness as a result of military service, and
were discharged or retired from military service under honorable conditions.
Then you are eligible to become a member of DAV!
Click the link to the National DAV membership site below and enter your zip code.
2017 DAV Membership Seminar, click here
Membership Committee Chair: 2JVC Dwayne Ramey
to email the Committee, click here
Dept. Fall Conf 2022 Membership briefing, click here
To visit the DAV National Membership page, click here
To find a DAV Chapter near you, click here